Valdobbiadene Superiore d.o.c.g.
In the heart of Valdobbiadene, the “Land of vine and wine”, is located our company “TENUTA TORRE ZECCHEI”, belonging to Eli Spagnol. A farmer that, in collaboration with his wife Daniela, his daughter Elisa and his son-in-law Tiziano, makes the most out of his experience, love for his territory, and deep passion for his work, in order to reach the highest quality of his wine production.
Our vineyards, situated between Valdobbiadene and Conegliano, are precious for the company, since their grapes provide the most of our wine production. The strong passion for our territory, the respect for nature and the value of traditions: these aspects represent our reason to continuously improve the quality of our products.
We personally follow each phase of the production: harvest, vinification and winemaking, bottling and packaging, and lastly the direct selling to the final customer. The family union and harmony are our strength.
With an accurate selection of our best hand-harvested grapes, we produce the majority of our wine: from the Valdobbiadene DOCG Millesimato, the jewel of our company, and the Superiore di Cartizze DOCG, to the different varieties of Prosecco DOC. Our wines are characterized by a great diversity; however, at the same time, they share a common freshness, smoothness and ability to inspire emotions and to satisfy all of our costumers’ preferences.
Our will is to meet the demand of the customers who particularly care about the absence in the wine of additives and preservatives; for this reason, we created the “Bonorivo”, a sparkling wine made though a vinification process that does not provide the addiction of sulphites. This wine is produced with a selection of grapes, that are harvested from a vineyard located where the sunlight reaches the plants since the early morning. For this reason, the chemical treatments are less necessary and, consequently, limited.
We preserve the original authenticity of the wine, made for the most discerning palates, aiming for the respect of the nature and the well-being of final consumers.
For this reason, the fifteen municipalities of the DOCG area joined together to defend and protect the territory, to give value to the title “DOCG”, which determines the controlled and guaranteed origin, and to ensure the citizens and inhabitants a good health. This has become possible as a result of a common 16-clauses regulation, that disciplines the use of chemicals and treatments on the vineyards. All the harvested grapes respect the so-called “Protocollo Viticolo dell’area DOCG Valdobbiadene Conegliano”. Our work is always done in observance of the environment, aiming to preserve our territory and landscapes.
Since 2019 the unique landscape of Prosecco Hills has been recognized by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site; a title that gives the right value to this important and crucial area.
We also focus on our planet’s health. Therefore in 2011 our company realized a photovoltaic and a solar system, able to furnish the structure with the right amount of electricity and hot water. We believe that renewable energy is the most convenient alternative for us and for the future generations, in terms of economic and environmental benefits: it does not pollute and, moreover, it is inexhaustible.
Traditions, love for the territory and for our work, respect for nature and its inhabitants, a familiar welcome in our company and the high quality of our products: this is Tenuta Torre Zecchei.
Our home is our vineyards. We breath their air and know each hill, vine, and clod. This is the birthplace of Prosecco Superiore, the birthplace of us. The territory of #ConeglianoValdobbiadene has ever been the place where we live and our most important heritage: therefore, we take care of it, by making responsible choices, guarantee the quality of cultivation and respect the increasingly.